Sunday, September 25, 2011


Why is blogging so much fun?  I think I love it so much that I will blog once a week for the rest of the semester.  Then after the semester I might just stop, because I don’t really like to blog that much.  There are many different kind of people out there that like to blog, and I don’t feel like I fall in any of those categories.
One category is the kind of person that likes to blog their every movement in their life.  They let you know what they ate for breakfast, lunch and dinner.  They let you know how many steps they took etc etc etc.  Then there are pictures for each one of those events! Too much people, too much.
Then there is the occasional blogger.  They are the kind of person that blogs only really cool events and share cool photos.  I am fan of those kind of bloggers.  They share info regarding their family events, a sporting activity, a date, or a study abroad.  Those are the kind of blogs I like to follow.
What I like about blogging the most is that everyone gets to blog the way that they like to.  Even though I am not a fan of different styles of blogging, I do like the fact that everyone gets to do it their way.  Just like Burger King.

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